
int64_t SQCloudVMLastRowID (SQCloudVM *vm);


Each entry in most SQLite tables (except for WITHOUT ROWID tables) has a unique 64-bit signed integer key called the “rowid”. The rowid is always available as an undeclared column named ROWID, OID, or ROWID as long as those names are not also used by explicitly declared columns. If the table has a column of type INTEGER PRIMARY KEY then that column is another alias for the rowid.

The SQCloudVMLastRowID interface usually returns the rowid of the most recent successful INSERT into a rowid table or virtual table. Inserts into WITHOUT ROWID tables are not recorded. If no successful INSERTs into rowid tables have ever occurred on the database connection, then SQCloudVMLastRowID returns zero.

Getting a rowid without a VM

If you need to get the last inserted rowid from a SQCloudConnection object you can send a DATABASE GET ROWID command.


Return value

An int64_t with the most recent rowid.


int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    // setup config
    SQCloudConfig config = {0};
    config.username = "myusername";
    config.password = "mypassword"

    SQCloudConnection *conn = SQCloudConnect("myproject.sqlite.cloud", SQCLOUD_DEFAULT_PORT, &config);
    if (SQCloudIsError(conn)) {
        printf("ERROR connecting: %s (%d)\n", SQCloudErrorMsg(conn), SQCloudErrorCode(conn));
        return -1;
    } else {
        printf("Connection to host OK...\n\n");

    // choose a database first
    SQCloudResult *r = SQCloudExec(conn, "USE DATABASE mydatabase.sqlite;");

    // compile the INSERT SQL statement
    SQCloudVM *vm = SQCloudVMCompile(conn, "INSERT INTO table1 (col1) VALUES ('Hello World');", -1, NULL);

    // execute the previously compiled statement
    SQCLOUD_RESULT_TYPE type = SQCloudVMStep(vm);

    // get the rowid
    int64_t rowid = SQCloudVMLastRowID(vm);