Swift SDK Introduction

This powerful package provides methods that perform DB operations, and enables real-time notifications in Swift apps, making it easier than ever to work with SQLite in the cloud. We encourage all users to log encountered issues in the SDK’s issues backlog.


  • In Package.swift, add the swift package to dependencies.
let package = Package(
  dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/sqlitecloud/swift.git", from: "0.2.1")

3 ways to configure your database connection

  1. RECOMMENDED: Use the apikey connection string.
  • In your SQLite Cloud account dashboard, click on Show connection strings, copy the Connection String, and replace <your-connection-string> below.
let configuration = SQLiteCloudConfig(connectionString: "<your-connection-string>")
  • You can modify the connection string to include the name of the database to query.
let configuration = SQLiteCloudConfig(connectionString: "sqlitecloud://{hostname}:8860/{database}?apikey={apikey}")
  1. Use a parameterized connection string.

    • In your SQLite Cloud account dashboard, click on Show connection strings, copy the Deployment string, and replace {hostname} below.
    • In your dashboard left nav, select Settings, then Users. Copy your username and replace {username}.
    • In your User’s row, click the down chevron, then Edit. Enter a Password and Save. Replace {password}.
    • Here, the provided port (8860) and database (chinook.sqlite) will query the sample dataset that comes pre-loaded with SQLite Cloud. Replace to query your own datasets.
let configuration = SQLiteCloudConfig(connectionString: "sqlitecloud://{username}:{password}@{hostname}:8860/chinook.sqlite")
  1. Pass each connection string parameter explicitly.
let configuration = SQLiteCloudConfig(hostname: {hostname}, username: {username}, password: {password}, port: .default)

Connect and query

  • The following snippet includes variable types, which may be optional for your app.
  • NOTE: USE DATABASE chinook.sqlite; is only necessary in the query if your configuration does not specify the name of the database to query.
  • Once you’ve incorporated the following, build and run your app!
import SQLiteCloud

let configuration: SQLiteCloudConfig? = SQLiteCloudConfig(connectionString: "<your-connection-string>")

let sqliteCloud: SQLiteCloud = SQLiteCloud(config: configuration!)

do {
    try await sqliteCloud.connect()

    let sqlQuery: String = "USE DATABASE chinook.sqlite; SELECT albums.AlbumId as id, albums.Title as title, artists.name as artist FROM albums INNER JOIN artists WHERE artists.ArtistId = albums.ArtistId LIMIT 20;"

    let result: SQLiteCloudResult = try await sqliteCloud.execute(query: sqlQuery)

    try await sqliteCloud.disconnect()

    return result.stringValue!
} catch {
    return "Connection error"


  • If you get errors indicating SQLite Cloud-specific constructs are out of scope (i.e. error: cannot find 'SQLiteCloudConfig' in scope), verify the SQLiteCloud package is correctly imported.
    • Confirm https://github.com/sqlitecloud/swift package is listed in Package.resolved.