
SQCloudResult *SQCloudSetPubSubOnly (SQCloudConnection *connection);


When Pub/Sub is activated (after calling SQCloudSetPubSubCallback) there are two sockets associated to the SQCloudConnection connection. The SQCloudSetPubSubOnly function closes the main socket, leaving the pub/sub socket opened and ready to receive incoming notifications from subscripted channels and tables.


Return value

An OK result is succesfully executed, otherwise an error.


static my_callback(SQCloudConnection *connection, SQCloudResult *result, void *data) {
    // dump JSON notification
    // more about the JSON format: https://docs.sqlitecloud.io/docs/introduction/pubsub_payload
    SQCloudResultDump(connection, result);

int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    // setup config
    SQCloudConfig config = {0};
    config.username = "myusername";
    config.password = "mypassword"

    SQCloudConnection *conn = SQCloudConnect("myproject.sqlite.cloud", SQCLOUD_DEFAULT_PORT, &config);
    if (SQCloudIsError(conn)) {
        printf("ERROR connecting: %s (%d)\n", SQCloudErrorMsg(conn), SQCloudErrorCode(conn));
        return -1;
    } else {
        printf("Connection to host OK...\n\n");

    // set pub/sub callback
    SQCloudSetPubSubCallback(conn, my_callback, NULL);

    // start listening to a CHANNEL
    SQCloudExec(conn, "LISTEN channel1;");

    // close main socket