
SQCloudConnection *SQCloudConnectWithString (const char *s, SQCloudConfig *pconfig);


Initiate a new connection to a database node specified by a connection string. This function will always return a non-null object pointer, unless there is too little memory even to allocate the SQCloudConnection object.

String s must be an URL encoded string with the following format: sqlitecloud://user:pass@host.com:port/dbname?timeout=10&key2=value2&key3=value3.

Connection String

An easy way to obtain a valid connection string is to click on the node address in the Dashboard Nodes section. A valid connection string will be copied in your clipboard.

Key(s) can be:

  • timeout
  • compression
  • sqlite
  • zerotext
  • memory
  • create
  • noblob
  • maxdata
  • maxrows
  • maxrowset
  • root_certificate
  • client_certificate
  • client_certificate_key

These key(s) are equivalent to the fields specified in the SQCloudConfig struct.


  • s: an URL encoded NULL terminated string that contains connection info
  • pconfig: a pointer to a SQCloudConfig struct (can be NULL) used to override configurations found in the connection string

Return value

A pointer to an opaque SQCloudConnection struct.


int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    const char *conninfo = "sqlitecloud://admin:admin@myproject.sqlite.cloud/invoice.sqlite";

    SQCloudConnection *conn = SQCloudConnectWithString(conninfo, NULL);
    if (SQCloudIsError(conn)) {
        printf("ERROR connecting: %s (%d)\n", SQCloudErrorMsg(conn), SQCloudErrorCode(conn));
        return -1;
    } else {
        printf("Connection to host OK...\n\n");

    // do something with the conn object