Connecting to a Cluster

SQLite databases in SQLite Cloud are distributed across a cluster of nodes. Each cluster comes with a multi-region load balancer that routes traffic to the nearest appropriate node.

For this reason, we strongly recommend connecting to your cluster via your project connection string. To retrieve your project connection string, navigate to the Nodes page and click on any node.

Copy the connection string and use it with a client library to connect to your cluster.

Connecting with JavaScript

Here’s an example of how you can connect to your cluster using the @sqlitecloud/drivers JavaScript client library:

First, install the client library:

npm install @sqlitecloud/drivers

Then, connect to your cluster using the connection string:

import { Database } from '@sqlitecloud/drivers';

const db = new Database('sqlitecloud://<your-project-id><your-host-port>?apikey=<your-api-key>')

const fetchAlbums = async () => await db.sql`USE DATABASE chinook.sqlite; SELECT * FROM albums;`;

fetchAlbums().then((albums) => console.log(albums));

// [{ Title: 'For Those About To Rock We Salute You', ... }, ...]

Connecting with Python

Install the Python client library:

pip install sqlitecloud

Then, connect to your cluster using the connection string:

import sqlitecloud

# Open the connection to SQLite Cloud
# Note: Include your target database in the url to skip the USE DATABASE command
conn = sqlitecloud.connect("sqlitecloud://<your-project-id><your-host-port>?apikey=<your-api-key>")

cursor = conn.execute("SELECT * FROM albums WHERE AlbumId = ?", (1, ))
result = cursor.fetchone()



# (1, 'For Those About To Rock We Salute You', 1)

Next Steps