

The SQCloudConfig struct is used in the SQCloudConnect and in the SQCloudConnectWithString functions to set connection specific configuration parameters.


typedef struct SQCloudConfigStruct {
    const char      *username;              // connection username
    const char      *password;              // connection password
    const char      *database;              // database to use during connection
    int             timeout;                // connection timeout parameter
    int             family;                 // can be: SQCLOUD_IPv4, SQCLOUD_IPv6 or SQCLOUD_IPANY
    bool            compression;            // compression flag
    bool            sqlite_mode;            // special sqlite compatibility mode
    bool            zero_text;              // flag to tell the server to zero-terminate strings
    bool            password_hashed;        // private flag
    bool            nonlinearizable;        // flag to request for immediate responses from the server node without waiting for linerizability guarantees
    bool            db_memory;              // flag to force the database to be in-memory
    bool            no_blob;                // flag to tell the server to not send BLOB columns
    bool            db_create;              // flag to force the creation of the database (if it does not exist)
    int             max_data;               // value to tell the server to not send columns with more than max_data bytes
    int             max_rows;               // value to control rowset chunks based on the number of rows
    int             max_rowset;             // value to control the maximum allowed size for a rowset
    const char      *tls_root_certificate;
    const char      *tls_certificate;
    const char      *tls_certificate_key;
    bool            insecure;               // flag to disable TLS
    config_cb       callback;               // reserved callback for internal usage
    void            *data;                  // reserved callback data parameter
} SQCloudConfig;