
With Weblite, adding robust database capabilities to your site is as simple as adding Google Analytics. Our technology simplifies integration to just one include tag in your HTML header. You retain full control over rendering using easy div tags for customization. Whether you’re a pro developer or a beginner, Weblite enables you to unleash dynamic data management without the headaches.

To create a Weblite, start by writing a query in the Console. The query can be a simple SELECT * FROM artists statement, which does not require any parameter, to a more complex SELECT * FROM artists WHERE name LIKE ?1;, which requires a parameter to be specified during execution.

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Once satisfied with your query, press the ”+ Weblite” button. A dialog will appear with the script to add to your web page and other details like the slug name (optional).

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The Weblite section lists all the Weblite created so far.

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To test a Webliste query, just press the SQL statement, and a new panel will enable you to add values to your parameter and check the result of your query.

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For more information about Weblite integration, see the GitHub repo.