
LIST STATS [FROM start_date TO end_date] [NODE nodeid] [MEMORY]




The LIST STATS command retrieves statistic information from the connected node (or from a specific nodeid if the NODE parameter is used). If no range date is specified with the FROM/TO parameters, then stats from the last hour are returned. If the MEMORY argument is used, then a new PHYSICAL_MEMORY key is added to the result.


A Rowset with the following columns:

  • datetime: the data time of the stat
  • key: stat name
  • value: stat value


 datetime            | key             | value              |
 2023-02-09 09:21:51 | BYTES_IN        | 312                |
 2023-02-09 09:21:51 | BYTES_OUT       | 943                |
 2023-02-09 09:21:51 | CPU_LOAD        | 0.0185958557811852 |
 2023-02-09 09:21:51 | CURRENT_CLIENTS | 1                  |
 2023-02-09 09:21:51 | CURRENT_MEMORY  | 1640640            |
 2023-02-09 09:21:51 | MAX_CLIENTS     | 1                  |
 2023-02-09 09:21:51 | MAX_MEMORY      | 1802512            |
 2023-02-09 09:21:51 | NUM_COMMANDS    | 7                  |
 2023-02-09 09:21:51 | NUM_READS       | 0                  |
 2023-02-09 09:21:51 | NUM_WRITES      | 0                  |
 2023-02-09 09:22:51 | BYTES_IN        | 312                |
 2023-02-09 09:22:51 | BYTES_OUT       | 943                |
 2023-02-09 09:22:51 | CPU_LOAD        | 0.0184632834613829 |
 2023-02-09 09:22:51 | CURRENT_CLIENTS | 1                  |
 2023-02-09 09:22:51 | CURRENT_MEMORY  | 1640640            |
 2023-02-09 09:22:51 | MAX_CLIENTS     | 1                  |
 2023-02-09 09:22:51 | MAX_MEMORY      | 1802512            |
 2023-02-09 09:22:51 | NUM_COMMANDS    | 7                  |
 2023-02-09 09:22:51 | NUM_READS       | 0                  |
 2023-02-09 09:22:51 | NUM_WRITES      | 0                  |
 2023-02-09 09:23:51 | BYTES_IN        | 312                |
 2023-02-09 09:23:51 | BYTES_OUT       | 943                |
 2023-02-09 09:23:51 | CPU_LOAD        | 0.0184403868930122 |
 2023-02-09 09:23:51 | CURRENT_CLIENTS | 1                  |
 2023-02-09 09:23:51 | CURRENT_MEMORY  | 1640640            |
 2023-02-09 09:23:51 | MAX_CLIENTS     | 1                  |
 2023-02-09 09:23:51 | MAX_MEMORY      | 1802512            |
 2023-02-09 09:23:51 | NUM_COMMANDS    | 7                  |
 2023-02-09 09:23:51 | NUM_READS       | 0                  |
 2023-02-09 09:23:51 | NUM_WRITES      | 0                  |
 2023-02-09 09:24:52 | BYTES_IN        | 312                |
 2023-02-09 09:24:52 | BYTES_OUT       | 943                |
 2023-02-09 09:24:52 | CPU_LOAD        | 0.0183631842713955 |
 2023-02-09 09:24:52 | CURRENT_CLIENTS | 1                  |
 2023-02-09 09:24:52 | CURRENT_MEMORY  | 1640640            |
 2023-02-09 09:24:52 | MAX_CLIENTS     | 1                  |
 2023-02-09 09:24:52 | MAX_MEMORY      | 1802512            |
 2023-02-09 09:24:52 | NUM_COMMANDS    | 7                  |
 2023-02-09 09:24:52 | NUM_READS       | 0                  |
 2023-02-09 09:24:52 | NUM_WRITES      | 0                  |